Denyse Silva

Very Berry Studios



THU 7:00 PM: Voice Acting 101: Audition With Us! (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Very Berry Studios

This will be an open mock casting call audition practice for aspiring voice actors to get a grasp of what it's like to do a live-directed audition. This event will consist of reading copy as talent, getting feedback from a casting director, and going through the steps of being cast in an upcoming game. Additionally, this is an opportunity to discuss etiquette for one to present their personal brand as an actor in a positive and professional light.

Speaking: Phebe Fabacher; Denyse Silva

Category: Workshop; Activity


SAT 6:00 PM: Voice Acting 101: Audition With Us! (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: Very Berry Studios

This will be an open mock casting call audition practice for aspiring voice actors to get a grasp of what it's like to do a live-directed audition. This event will consist of reading copy as talent, getting feedback from a casting director, and going through the steps of being cast in an upcoming game. Additionally, this is an opportunity to discuss etiquette for one to present their personal brand as an actor in a positive and professional light.

Speaking: Phebe Fabacher; Denyse Silva

Category: Workshop; Activity




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