They Are Out There, Waiting For You To Discover ALL-CON's Scavenger Hunts for Swag!

From 2016-2020 ALL-CON provided pinback buttons at random events, giving attendees an opportunity to be rewarded for searching and participating at key areas of the convention. In 2021, the "Collect Them All" photo scavenger hunt was developed, rewarding savvy attendees with a set of buttons if they could locate and photograph themselves with different standees placed around the convention nightly. Starting in 2026, those concepts have once again expanded into even more fun!

The Scavenger Hunts for Swag have daily lists to hunt... THU/SUN, FRI, and SAT. Each daily list also has variations so not everybody is hunting for the same things.

There were always those who started late or who didn't find everything. While they had a good time, their efforts weren't rewarded since they did not finish the task. The New Scavenger Hunts for Swag rewards your effort at various stages so that even if you don't complete your list, you will still accumulate free fun goodies as you go along!

It's a fun way to play, every day, and it's only at ALL-CON!

The promotional image for the COLLECT THEM ALL activity at ALL-CON 2021-2025


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