Independent Content Provider

2 Mamas Sweatshop

2 Mamas Sweatshop was formed by two long-term costumers to make costumes and accessories for others. Coleen has been making costumes for over 20 years and is a past President of the Dallas-Fort Worth Costumers Guild.



THU 3:00 PM: Make Your Own Patterns (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH B (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: 2 Mamas Sweatshop

Speaking: Coleen Swafford

Can't find the right pattern for your cosplay? Find out some of the methods for making a pattern of your own. Will mainly focus on making a pattern from an existing garment, joining patterns together, and making a pattern using math.

Category: Discussion

FRI 2:00 PM: Make Your Own Patterns (45 mins.)

Room: MONARCH B (Lincoln, Lower) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: 2 Mamas Sweatshop

Speaking: Coleen Swafford

Can't find the right pattern for your cosplay? Find out some of the methods for making a pattern of your own. Will mainly focus on making a pattern from an existing garment, joining patterns together, and making a pattern using math.

Category: Discussion



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