Celebrity Guest

Russ is best known for his work on Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge. He was selected from nearly a thousand applicants to become one of ten cast members in season 1. Russ quickly became a fan favorite with his quick wit and willingness to help is opponents. His odd background didn't hurt either.

"To look at Russ, you would never expect him to have a Master's Degree in Literature. He looks more like a biker", says a colleague. His literary background manifested in episode 4 in the form of a Minotaur named Cecil. Russ stunned Brian Henson, Kirk Thatcher, and Beth Hathaway with a particular detail in Cecil's design. Carved into the creatures horns were the words "Poseidon's Slave" written in Latin.

Russ is a self-taught special effect artist. From childhood,


Russ was hooked on creatures. Tucked away in a very small town in western Pennsylvania, he fantasized about working in the movies. Influenced by artists like Rick Baker, Dick Smith, and Stan Winston, Russ decided he wanted to incite the same excitement in others that these masters provoked in him. That dream would have to wait. With no money for college, Russ joined the military. Russ credits his ten years in the service as a crash course in realistic effects. When he separated, he started his studio, Escape Design FX, and ever since has been creating those things that go bump in the night.



Celebrity Guest

One of the most recognized voices in entertainment, Neil Kaplan has had notable voice roles as Hawkmon (Digimon), Optimus Prime (Transformers), Gorilla Grodd (Justice League Heroes), Genshin (Ninja Gaiden II), Diabolico (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue), Kraven the Hunter (Spider-Man 3-video game), Tychus Findlay (StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty-video game).

He has also had acted in popular anime and video game titles including Bleach, Digimon Data Squad, Blue Dragon, Zatch Bell!, Naruto, Kosetsu Hyaku Monogatari, Final Fantasy XIII, EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky, Medal of Honor: European Assault, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and many others.